Why You Should Do Background Checks for Recent College Graduates

College graduation season is here and for many employers that means it’s hiring season. More and more young adults are graduating with degrees than ever before. Employers often have multiple well-qualified individuals to choose from for jobs they’re hiring for. When you have so many applicants, it’s important that you thoroughly background check each individual you’re considering. Unfortunately, many employers skip this step, here’s why you shouldn’t.
Background Checks Verify Personal Information
While it would be great if we could trust everyone that applies for a job, we just can’t do that. Investigative background checks look into the individual’s background and can validate information that the candidate gave you. Verifying things as simple as the job candidate’s name are important to do to ensure you’re hiring the person you think you are.
Employment Background Checks Investigate Qualifications
If you have a recent graduate who’s resume sounds a little too good to be true, then you should inquire as to the authenticity of it. It isn’t uncommon for new college grads to add a little “fluff” to their resumes in order to get a job. While exaggerating abilities and skills won’t necessarily be the end of the world, lying about going to college or having an internship could definitely hurt your company. Employment background checks prevent this from happening.
If you’re hiring for an executive position, we also offer executive screening background checks. You’d be surprised how many candidates applying for senior positions will lie about their previous leadership experiences.
Criminal Background Checks Verify Eligibility
Depending on your industry and standards for employment, it’s important that you look into the criminal backgrounds of potential employees. Some college graduates are a little too familiar with law enforcement due to drinking and driving incidents or other nefarious activities.
If a clean background check is important to you, then hiring a private investigator to dip into an individual’s criminal background check is worth it. Knowing about past offenses or even a record of speeding tickets can save you a lot of headache in the end.
Alliance Investigations Can Vet Potential Hires
Before you make a hiring decision, let us look into every candidate’s background to ensure that you’re getting the person you want. Knowing that those working for your business are qualified and don’t have skeletons in the closet gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Call us today to learn more!