4 Signs of Infidelity Often Found By DFW Private Investigators

Dallas and Fort Worth private investigators see all sorts of interesting things on the job. We investigate worker’s compensation claims, do criminal background checks for employment, and other investigative research. One of the most unfortunate things we often have to investigate is the possibility of infidelity. It can happen in any marriage and often enough it’s committed by the most unsuspecting person. If you’re worried that your spouse is having an affair or leads a double life, here are a few tell-tale signs of infidelity as told by an infidelity private investigator.
Strange Work Hours Can Be a Sign of Infidelity
If your spouse has worked the same hours for several years and then all of the sudden he or she has to “stay late at the office” or has to go on a “work trip,” then this could be a good indicator that he or she is having an affair. Stepping outside of a normal routine can happen from time to time but when it becomes an everyday occurrence that should be a red flag to you. Infidelity surveillance will be able to keep track of your spouse and see if they’re really staying late at the office.
Higher Mileage on Their Car Than There Should Be
People that commute to work will typically put the same amount of miles on their car every week. However, if you’ve noticed that your spouse’s car has higher mileage than usual, then something might be going on that he or she isn’t telling you about. If they’re having to drive extra miles everyday to see their lover, those miles will add up quickly! Our infidelity investigators in Fort Worth are able to discreetly follow your spouse and confirm any suspicions you have.
Taking Phone Everywhere
It’s normal for people to carry their phone with them around the house if they’re moving from room to room. However, what isn’t normal is when they keep it right next to them within reaching distance or take it with them on quick trips to the kitchen. A licensed private investigator will tell you that protecting your phone is highly suspicious behavior.
Carrying A Lot of Cash
Most people use credit and debit cards nowadays. The only people who don’t do this are those worried about having their identity stolen and those who are trying to hide their purchases. If you’ve noticed large cash withdrawals from your shared account and no explanation as to where the money is going, then something could be going on behind your back. Private investigators looking for signs of infidelity see this all too often.
Let Alliance Investigations Help With Infidelity Surveillance
Are you worried that your spouse could be cheating on you? Then let us help. Our private investigators are located in the Dallas, Arlington, and Fort Worth areas. We can help you get the answers you need and confirm any suspicions you have of your spouse. Contact us today to learn more about our private investigative services.